Insurers and brokers can now monitor the compliance of telephone sales

Loan insurance. Magnolia and other brokers, such as Santiane, have equipped themselves with Callity to monitor the quality and compliance of telephone sales. Bénédicte Albessard explains in the video.

Callity, the French publisher of a speech analytics solution for call centres, has helped Magnolia, number 1 in loan insurance, and other brokers to monitor the compliance of insured sales by telephone. Bénédicte Albessard, Director of Operations, was impressed by the solution’s rapid deployment and the ROI already measured.

« Callity was deployed in two months; it’s effective and very promising for managing our sales compliance, » says the broker’s Operations Director. In the following video, Bénédicte Albessard, Director of Operations at Magnolia, one of the most highly-regarded insurance brokers on the market, explains her career in call-centres and customer relationship management, particularly at Canal +. The breadth of her background (Conduent, Teleperformance, Peugeot, Canal +) means that Bénédicte knows what she’s talking about when it comes to supervising call centres and the voice of the customer. If and when you have your customer acquisition carried out offshore, or nearshore, in Madagascar or Portugal, you don’t always have the time to go and check what the salespeople or CSMs are saying, or the empathy of the support agents. That’s where QM comes in – systematic, not random, Quality Monitoring.

Automate telephone conversation evaluation grids
This is one of the features of the Callity platform, along with the automatic summary of conversations and the import of this summary into the customer’s CRM, the theme on which our magazine has received the most requests since the beginning of 2024.

Bénédicte is keen to monitor performance and avoid mis-selling in a highly regulated sector, so she constantly listens to what customers have to say and is alerted whenever key or worrying words slip into a conversation. She demonstrates this in the video below, and explains that the basis of all this is the quality of the transcription of conversations.

The importance of speech-to-text quality and performance
The teams at (no offence), the famous AI platform created and financed by Xavier Niel, Rodolphe Saadé and Eric Schmidt, chose not to use transcriptions of conversations for Moshi, their prototype, but until there is proof to the contrary, transcriptions are used in call centres.

Bénédicte Albessard’s view, after two months in production
She and her BtoC customer relations manager, based in their in-house call centre in Rouen, can then listen to the conversation again, very quickly, and find out where the dissatisfaction comes from or whether a sale needs to be made. In fact, it’s often the bank and the bank’s work that can cause frustration when people change their loan insurance. She also explains why she chose a French publisher for these issues, when her Anglo-Saxon competitors were promising the same functionalities: Nice, Verint, etc. « But we wanted it to be easy to use, » she says. « But we wanted things to move quickly and the investment to be moderate, without mobilising the tech team and the IT department, whose bandwidth is very limited.

Another French broker shares the same enthusiasm, the Santiane subsidiary: « Callity has developed the software we dreamed of creating ». Read more here.

At Magnolia, Callity is interfaced with Diabolocom. For other customers, the platform is interfaced with Genesys, Vocalcom, Kiamo and others. A simple API is all that’s needed, along with stereo sound.


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